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Monthly Tutoring Plans
3rd - 12th Grade Math Tutoring
150$Every month1 Session, 1x BiweeklyÂ- 2 Math Tutoring Sessions a Month (1x Biweekly)
- IEP/504 Consult if needed
3rd - 12th Grade Math Tutoring
240$Every month4 Sessions, 1x WeeklyÂ- 4 Sessions, 1x Weekly
- IEP/504 Consult if needed
3rd - 12th Grade Math Tutoring
400$Every month8 Sessions, 2x WeeklyÂ- 8 Sessions, 2x Weekly
- IEP/504 Consult
Subsidies Price Plan - Morehouse College
300$ÂNeed Based Tutoring Special: one-time payment for 1-2 sessions per week (grade-dependent)Valid for 5 months
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